For more than 150 years there have been private railways in Denmark. In the begin with very different rolling stock than was the case by the Danish State Railways. This has changed over time, and to day the rolling stock is quite similar.

Photo from Danish Private railways. VLTJ(1879),Vemb Lemvig Thyborøn Jernbane. PBS, Privatbane Sønderjylland (1997).  ØSJS (1879) Østsjællands Jernbane Selskab. OHJ(1899) Odsherred Jernbane. SB (1890) Skagensbanen. HB (1925) Hjørring Hirtshals.  Lollandsbanen (1874) Foto af Anders Madsen. HHGB (1916) Hornbækbanen, HFHJ (1943) Hillerød-Frederiksværk-Hundested Jernbane, HHJ (1884) Hads-Ning Herreders Jernbane, NJ (2001) Nordjydske Jernbane, ARRIVA (2003)

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